My work draws upon the natural world. Nature is a great means of escape for me, which has become so much more prevalent during recent times. Through my work I am always seeking to bring the outdoors in, focusing on the beautiful simplicity of Nature to give a sense of balance and hope. My paintings have been exhibited across the UK, with many of my works now residing in Private Collections. my painting 'Summer foliage - Dyrham I' was selected for the Royal Society of British Artists exhibition 2024.
I was recently invited to create 4 original paintings for the prestigious Art on a Postcard Summer Auction, raising funds for the Hepatitis C Trust, as an "exceptional artist who’s work stands out as challenging conventions and breaking new ground". Previous artists to have taken part are Damien Hirst, Gilbert and George, Grayson Perry and many more. My painting 'Berry Special' which was created for this auction, was featured in The Times newspaper on June 11 2020.
My background is in Painting Conservation, and I still apply the techniques I learned during my many years as a conservator, most notably in the application of gold leaf to my paintings and prints.